Traffic Tickets

After receiving a traffic ticket, you do not just have to pay it and accept the consequences. With the assistance of a qualified attorney at Sarfan & Nachman, LLC, you can fight for your rights and pursue an alternate resolution to the matter. Our lawyers have over 100 years of combined knowledge and resources to help you with numerous citations that law enforcement can issue. Some of the types of tickets that we handle are:

  • Reckless Driving
  • Speeding
  • Disobeying red lights
  • Driving as an habitual offender
  • Failure to yield
  • Fleeing the scene of an accident
  • Hit and run
  • Driving on a suspended license

Traffic tickets can result in increased auto insurance premiums, loss of driver’s license, points on your license, jail time and/or fines, and severe new civil remedial fees. It may be possible to get your ticket dismissed and avoid these consequences. In situations where the ticket cannot be dismissed, our attorneys work hard to have the charges reduced or seek minimal punishments imposed on our clients.

Did you receive a Virginia traffic ticket, but reside elsewhere?

Sarfan & Nachman, LLC offers representation to clients living outside of Virginia who receive a traffic violation while visiting or just passing through the state. By staying in close contact with our out-of-state clients, we are able to effectively handle most aspects of the case in your absence. Though some cases will require our clients to appear in court, we may be able to act on your behalf instead of you needing to travel back to Virginia.

Contact Sarfan & Nachman, LLC today, to schedule your appointment to discuss your traffic ticket, (757) 247-5861.

Reckless Driving

The lawyers at Sarfan & Nachman, LLC have been representing clients on reckless driving charges, for a combined century. We are established and knowledgeable about client rights and take an aggressive approach to handling their reckless driving cases.

Reckless driving can include the following forms of offenses:

  • Speeding
  • Racing
  • Passing/overtaking an emergency vehicle
  • Passing a school bus
  • Passing on the crest of a hill
  • Passing at railroad crossing
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Failing to provide signal
  • Improper control/faulty brakes

To speak with our criminal defense attorneys about your reckless driving case, contact Sarfan & Nachman, LLC at (757) 247-5861 today.


Sarfan & Nachman, LLC has an extensive criminal defense practice, which includes legal representation for many types of criminal misdemeanors. You do not have to face misdemeanor charges alone, our highly-competent and experienced lawyers can assist you and guide you through your entire case. Our attorneys have been practicing for over a century combined and they know how to vigorously represent you and defend your legal rights in misdemeanor cases.

To speak with an experienced attorney who can guide you through the criminal justice system and assist you with the misdemeanor charges you are facing, contact us today, (757)247-5861.


The criminal defense attorneys at Sarfan & Nachman, LLC provide comprehensive legal representation in a wide variety of felony cases. If you find yourself facing felony charges, it is important that you contact a lawyer immediately. Our legal counsel will take action on your behalf as soon as possible to ensure your legal rights are protected and that you have an experienced advocate in your corner.

To make sure you understand the legal ramifications of the felony charges against you and to speak with an experienced attorney who will aggressively represent you in court, contact Sarfan & Nachman, LLC today, (757) 247-5861.


DUI (Driving Under the Influence/Intoxicants) and DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) charges are not to be taken lightly. The attorneys of Sarfan & Nachman, LLC are skilled criminal defense advocates who can advise you of your rights and help navigate you through the criminal justice system.

We thoroughly investigate all the details of your DUI/DWI case, including:

  • The reason you were pulled over
  • Any violation of search and seizure laws
  • Possible breathalyzer malfunction
  • BAC (blood alcohol content) test results
  • Any denial of Miranda Rights by law enforcement

If you are arrested for a DUI/DWI, you need to contact an attorney as soon as possible, as many aspects of your case are very time-sensitive. Our DUI/DWI lawyers have over a century of combined experience that we utilize throughout the case, and we aggressively stand up for your rights in and out of the courtroom.

Your driver’s license is at stake.

A DUI/DWI conviction will result in the loss of your driver’s license. While your license is suspended, you are unable to drive your car, even to and from work. Our attorneys strive to help clients retain their driver’s license or assist them with obtaining a restrictive license, so they can continue to work and live as normally as possible. The lawyers at Sarfan & Nachman, LLC can further discuss the specific consequences of a DUI/DWI conviction and the impact it can have on your driver’s license.

Some of the consequences you may encounter from a DUI/DWI conviction:

  • Loss of your driver’s license
  • Increased auto insurance rates
  • If you are in a drunk driving accident, you may pay increased fines and face jail time depending on the severity of the accident.
  • If you are charged with a second or subsequent offense, a conviction will result in jail time.
  • If you have an elevated BAC level, you may face mandatory jail time.
  • If you are convicted of serious traffic offenses, this will result in a severe new civil remedial fees.

Clients seeking legal representation for their DUI/DWI case should contact Sarfan & Nachman, LLC, right away, (757) 247-5861. Time is of the essence and our drunk driving attorneys keep your rights and best interests in mind.

Drug Possession

Sarfan & Nachman, LLC are comprehensive criminal defense attorneys, with more than 100 years of collective knowledge and experience handling a diverse range of drug related cases. We provide aggressive representation to clients who have been accused of drug crimes, including:

  • Possession with intent to distribute
  • Cocaine possession
  • Heroin possession
  • Ecstasy possession
  • Marijuana possession

To obtain legal counsel for your drug related case, contact Sarfan & Nachman, LLC at (757) 247-5861 and quit facing these charges alone.

Criminal Law

Our criminal defense practice is extensive and includes handling many different types of criminal matters, including: burglary, larceny, assault and battery, domestic violence, murder, maiming, concealment, robbery, shoplifting, alcohol related charges, underage drinking and possession of alcohol, and white collar crime, as well as the list of criminal offenses below.

You do not need to face criminal charges alone. Our firm is comprised of skilled criminal defense lawyers who know the law and can effectively and aggressively represent you during your case. The attorneys at Sarfan & Nachman, LLC want clients to understand their legal rights and options to help safeguard against the possible violation of their rights.

Illegal Search and Seizure/Violation of Miranda Rights

During the course of an arrest or interrogation, law enforcement officials must act in a way that preserves the protection of your rights. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and violations do occur. These violations may alter the way that we seek a resolution to your case. Our attorneys are well-versed in search and seizure issues and also violations of client Miranda Rights.

Our firm provides representation to high school and college students who are facing criminal charges. Some of the clients we have represented are from the following schools: Christopher Newport University (CNU), Thomas Nelson Community College (TNCC), William and Mary (W&M), Old Dominion University (ODU), Hampton University, Norfolk Sate University, Regent University, and Virginia Wesleyan University.

If you are in need of an experienced and dedicated criminal defense attorney, contact Sarfan & Nachman, LLC today, (757) 247-5861, do not face criminal charges on your own.


Sarfan & Nachman, L.L.C - Experienced, competent, and trusted lawyers proudly serving the Hampton Roads, Tidewater, and Newport News areas of Virginia since 1974.

The law firm of Sarfan & Nachman provides personalized legal representation for clients in the Newport News, Hampton Roads, and Tidewater areas of Virginia. Our attorneys have over 100 years combined experience that is utilized throughout the course of your case. Our lawyers are family, and they are dedicated to treating each client with the same respect and dignity with which they treat their own family.

Newport News Attorney Virginia areas served
Experienced, competent, and trusted lawyers proudly serving the Hampton Roads, Tidewater, and Newport News areas of Virginia since 1974.

Our law practice focuses on three main areas of the law (Criminal Law, Family Law, Personal Injury), however we do provide comprehensive legal services in a variety of practice areas. We have continued to be trusted ally for clients throughout Virginia ever since the establishment of our family law firm in 1974.

We approach legal matters and our cases with efficiency, practicality, and common sense. We thoroughly examine all aspects of a case to determine possible outcomes, then educate our clients on their options and determine the best course of action to take based on our assessment and client goals.

We want our clients to understand that they do not have to face the legal system alone. We are committed to standing by our clients throughout the entirety of their case. Our attorneys are highly educated individuals that listen to clients and provide them with information they require to make well-informed decisions.

Contact Sarfan & Nachman, (757) 247-5861, about your legal situation and to schedule your initial consultation with an attorney in our firm. We look forward to assisting your with your legal needs.